The Perris Valley Metrolink lawsuit was heard by Judge Sharon J. Waters Tuesday, January 29th. One week earlier, Judge Waters released her tentative ruling in which many of the issues we raised in the lawsuit were validated.
This gave the Riverside County Transportation Commission a week to persuade the judge to reverse her tentative ruling. Tuesday’s all day session provided lots of back and forth debate and case law cites to persuade the judge. Stay tuned for a final decision.
When is t he next court date lm a resident of perris.
There won’t be another court date. The judge has issued her ruling. The Friends of Riverside’s Hills were successful in their CEQA lawsuit. The project is currently stopped. Settlement talks are a possibility. If no talks, RCTC will have to resubmit their EIR and start over.
The NIMBY’s who constitute the “Friends of the Riverside Hills” are an admittedly small group of homeowners in the UCR area who have been opposed to the rail traffic through Box Springs for many many years. Never mind, that the tracks have been there for about one hundred years, once the neighborhoods developed adjacent to the tracks, these folks have been opposed to the trains! There current focus is on the proposed Metrolink Perris Valley Line which would added Commuter trains through the area.
Obviously they oppose the addition of any rail traffic because they want the tracks gone!
They have successfully stopped the line with the help of Sharon Waters–a judge is not known for being pro-development! Congratulations NIMBYS–to Hell with those Commuters
Thomas, you are obviously misinformed if you think the Friends are NIMBY’s or opposed to Metrolink. They are well aware that the tracks have been here for generations. One think they are opposed to is the lack of concern for public safety at the trail crossing which have also been here for generations. This is not an unresolvable issue, just one RCTC feels is unimportant. By the way, Judge Waters has to follow the law. She did and that’s why we won. NIMBY had nothing to do with this. The project as presented was flawed and the court agreed.